Introducing the ReadiVoice
Proprietary & Confidential 7
4 The carrier switch uses the routing solution to route the call to the
InnoVox bridge selected by the CACS call router.
Figure 1-2 summarizes this INCR signaling flow.
5 When the call reaches the bridge, the ReadiVoice system places it into an
interactive call flow script to guide the caller into the conference. In a
fixed access system, the script collects the access code (if needed). In all
systems, the script handles subscriber identification and collection of the
optional conference security code. Non-subscribers are put on hold until
the subscriber arrives, enters the subscriber password, and starts the
6 If the account permits, the call flow script gives the subscriber an
opportunity to review and change account options prior to starting the
7 Once the subscriber starts the conference, participants are prompted to
enter the conference security code (if applicable) and then placed into the
Figure 1-4 on page 13 summarizes the ReadiVoice basic call flow after the call
reaches the bridge or on a non-routed system.
If the Quick Start feature is enabled, participants don’t have to wait for the
subscriber. They’re placed directly into conference instead of on hold. If the
Roll Call feature is enabled, callers are prompted to record their name before
entering the conference.
Callers who enter the subscriber or participant password or the conference
security code incorrectly three times are played the appropriate message and
then either sent to an operator (if available) or disconnected, depending on
how your system is configured.