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11.7 How to End The Motion SFC Program
(1) The Motion SFC program is ended by executing END set in itself.
(2) The Motion SFC program is stopped by turning off the PLC ready flag (M2000).
(3) The program can be ended by the clear step.
Refer to Section "6.5.4 Clear step" for details of the clear step.
(1) Multiple ENDs can be set in one Motion SFC program.
11.8 How to Change from One Motion SFC Program to Another
Use a subroutine start to stop the Motion SFC program running and switch it to another
Motion SFC program.
Motion SFC program changing example using subroutine start
11.9 How to Manage The Executing Program
There are no specific information that indicates which the Motion SFC program is
executing. Use a user program (Motion SFC program/PLC program) to control the
executing program.