11 - 11
(1) Start setting
The following control is changed by "automatically started or not" setting.
• Program run by normal task
No. Item When "automatically started" When "not automatically started"
In the main cycle after the PLC ready flag (M2000)
turns off to on, the program is executed from the
initial (first) step in accordance with the number of
consecutive transitions of the normal task.
The program is started by the Motion SFC start instruction
) from the PLC or by a subroutine call/start
(GSUB) made from the Motion SFC program.
• When started by the S(P).SFCS
In the main cycle after execution of the S(P).SFCS
instruction, the program is executed from the initial (first) step
in accordance with the number of consecutive transitions of
the normal task.
• When subroutine started
In the (next) main cycle after execution of GSUB, the program
is executed from the first step in accordance with the number
of consecutive transitions of the normal task.
• When subroutine called
The program is executed in the same cycle from the first step.
1 Start control
After that, the program is executed continuously by the number of consecutive transitions of the normal task in the
motion main cycle. (The settings of "executed task" and "number of consecutive transitions" of the subroutine called
program are invalid. It is controlled as the normal task.)
END control
Ends the self program.
Again, the program is started by the Motion SFC start instruction ( S(P).SFCS
) from the PLC or by a subroutine
call/start (GSUB) made from the Motion SFC program.
• Program run by event task
No. Item When "automatically started" When "not automatically started"
At occurrence of a valid event after starting of the
PLC ready flag (M2000), the program is executed
from the initial (first) step in accordance with the
number of consecutive transitions of the
corresponding program.
The program is started by the Motion SFC start instruction
) from the PLC or by a subroutine call/start
(GSUB) made from within the Motion SFC program.
• When started by the S(P).SFCS
At occurrence of a valid event after execution of the
instruction, the program is run from the initial
(first) step in accordance with the number of consecutive
transitions of the corresponding program.
• When subroutine started
At occurrence of a valid event after execution of GSUB, the
program is executed from the first step in accordance with
the number of consecutive transitions of the corresponding
• When subroutine called
The program is executed immediately from the first step.
1 Start control
After that, the program is executed continuously by the number of consecutive transitions of the corresponding
program at occurrence of a valid event. (The subroutine called program is controlled in accordance with the
"executed task" and "number of consecutive transitions" of the call source program.)
END control
As specified for END operation.