7 - 7
7.2 Device Descriptions
Word and bit device descriptions are shown below.
(1) Word device descriptions
Device descriptions
integer type
integer type
("n" is even No.)
floating-point type
("n" is even No.)
Device No. (n) specifying ranges
Data register Dn DnL DnF 0 to 8191
Link register Wn WnL Wn:F 0 to 1FFF
Special register Dn DnL DnF 9000 to 9255
Motion device #n #nL #nF
0 to 8191
(Motion SFC dedicated devices :
8000 to 8191)
Coasting timer — FT — —
(a) For differentiation, the 32-bit floating-point type is ended by L and the 64-bit
floating-point type by F (F for the link register).
(b) For the 32-bit integer type and 64-bit floating-point type, specify the device
number with an even number. (It cannot be set as an odd number).
(c) The coasting timer FT is incremented per 888µs. (The coasting timer is a 32-
bit integer type.)
(2) Bit device descriptions
Device description Device No. (n) specifyied ranges
Input relay Xn/PXn 0 to 1FFF
Output relay Yn/PYn 0 to 1FFF
Internal relay Mn 0 to 8191
Latch relay Ln 0 to 8191
Link relay Bn 0 to 1FFF
Annunciator Fn 0 to 2047
Special relay Mn 9000 to 9255
(a) When using the device in DIN or DOUT as batch bit data, specify n as a
multiple of 16.