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9.5 Programming Instructions
9.5.1 Cancel • start
When a cancel start has been set in the setting items of the servo program which
was started at the motion control step of the Motion SFC program, the cancel of the
running servo program is valid but the servo program specified to start after a
cancel is ignored, without being started.
The following example shows the Motion SFC program which exercises control
equivalent to a cancel start.
Providing transition G1 with cancel device condition specified
with servo program K0 will cancel to execute of servo program
K0 and allow servo program K1 to start.
Selective branch
9.5.2 Indirect designation using motion devices
(1) The motion registers #0 to #8191 cannot be used to make indirect
specification in the mechanical system programs.
The motion register values are used in the servo or mechanical system programs,
substitutes them to data registers (D)/link registers (W).
(2) The coasting timer (FT) cannot used to make indirect specification in the servo
program and mechanical system program.