56 VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Warning: StorageTek recommends backing up all CDS copies prior to issuing the
CDS EXpand command. Failures during the expand operation usually cause the
CDS to be unusable. It is important to back up the CDS before invoking the CDS
EXpand command to insure that the latest copy of the CDS is available in case of a
failure during the expand operation.
The number of formatted blocks in the CDS remains constant for all copies of the CDS
regardless of the physical space allocated for CDS copies. The number of formatted
blocks is determined by the maximum number of 4096 blocks that can be written in the
smallest CDS copy.
Users must modify CDSDEF control statements to make them consistent with the CDS
definitions in this command.