Chapter 3. HSC Control Statements and HSC Start Procedure 167
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Initializing the HSC to the Base Service Level
HSC software can be started to the base service level by adding the BASE parameter on
the /PARM statement of the startup SLKJCL, this includes specifying it on the ACS INIT
or ACS SUBMIT commands. When using the CP AUTOLOG command, the BASE
parameter must be specified on an existing /PARM statement in the startup SLKJCL. The
BASE parameter can be used with other parameters on the /PARM statement.
When the BASE parameter is specified in the startup SLKJCL, the syntax to initialize the
HSC to the base service level is the same as for initializing to the full service level.
When the BASE parameter is not specified in the startup SLKJCL, the commands used to
initialize the HSC to the base service level must include a PARM=BASE parameter.
Syntax for Initializing HSC to Base Service Level
After initializing to this point, the SRVlev command can be used to bring the subsystem up
to full function.
- or -
ACS SUBMIT strtjclfn strtjclft strtjclfm libclass ( PARM=BASE