
Chapter 2. Host Software Component Functions 37
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Tape Transport Cleaning
The HSC allows you to automate the cleaning process or to manually clean
library-attached tape transports. When a library transport needs to be cleaned, it informs
the LMU, which broadcasts a ‘‘drive needs cleaning’’ message to all connected hosts.
The LMU broadcast causes the HSC to issue a console message indicating that a transport
needs cleaning. Until a cleaning cartridge is loaded, future mounts continue to initiate this
message. If auto-cleaning is disabled, HSC processing is complete, and the transport must
be cleaned manually. To manually clean a transport, see “Manual Tape Transport
Cleaning” on page 37 for more information.
Note: The initial value for transport cleaning is for automated cleaning to be disabled.
Automated Tape Transport Cleaning
If auto-cleaning is enabled, the HSC sets the transport to ‘‘needs cleaning’’ status. The
next time a mount is issued for that tape transport, the following cleaning process is
invoked prior to mounting the requested cartridge:
1. The HSC selects a cleaning cartridge from the pool of cleaning cartridges in the LSM
that contains the tape transport that needs cleaning (or from the closest LSM that
contains a compatible cleaning cartridge).
2. The cleaning cartridge is mounted.
3. The tape transport is cleaned.
4. The cleaning cartridge is dismounted.
When the cleaning process is complete, the original requested cartridge is mounted on the
Notes: If auto-cleaning is enabled, cleaning can also be scheduled for a transport by
issuing the CLean command. See “Activating Automated Cleaning” for additional
Activating Automated Cleaning
The MNTD AUtocln command is used to turn auto-cleaning on or off on a host-by-host
The following example shows how to activate automatic cleaning.
Notes: It is probably more useful to have automated cleaning on for all hosts in a JES2
installation unless library transports are allocatable only by some hosts. In a JES3
environment, most mounts are done by the global processor and auto-cleaning should be
set on for at least the global processor.