StorageTek 6 Water System User Manual

163 VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Starting HSC Execution
Initialize the HSC. Refer to “Starting the HSC” on page 165 for information about how to
start execution of the HSC.
Note: The subsystem name specified with the LIBSUBSYS parameter in the SYSPROF
must match the jobname in the startup SLKJCL file or it must be specified with the SSYS
parameter in the /PARM statement. Refer to “SSYS” on page 158 for more information.
When phases of HSC initialization are completed, messages are displayed indicating
completion of the initialization phases. Messages inform you when HSC base service level
and when HSC full service level initialization is completed.
If SMF options for the HSC were not specified by a SET PERFlog command in the system
profile, the HSC issues a message that SMF record subtypes 1 through 6 are being
If you did not specify GTF Eid and Fid parameters on the /PARM statement in the HSC
startup SLKJCL, HSC issues a message indicating that default Eid and Fid values are
being used.
HSC may be started prior to hardware arrival to ensure that it has been installed properly.
The HSC subsystem comes up with the LMU stations offline. HSC operator commands
may be entered, but any functions requiring interaction with the ACS hardware result in
error messages.
Modifying LSMs Online
When the CDS is initialized, the status of all LSMs defined in the LIBGEN is OFFLINE.
You must issue the HSC MODify ONline command to bring all of your LSMs online.
For subsequent executions of the HSC, the last recorded status of the LSMs is obtained
from the control data set.
Specifying CAP Preferences
When the CDS is initialized, all CAP preferences are zero (never selected). You must issue
the CAPPREF command and control statement to establish a preference value for a CAP.
The HSC selects CAPs based on the preference value. Refer to ‘‘CAP Preference
(CAPPref) Command and Control Statement’’ in the HSC Operator’s Guide for more
Configuration Mismatches
During HSC initialization, the HSC remains active if LSM or panel type configuration
mismatches occur between the CDS and LMU. Specifically, these mismatches include:
different numbers of LSMs
different or unknown types of LSMs
different or unknown panel types in an LSM.