
Chapter 4. Utility Functions 305
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
specifies that the operation is being restricted to a specific ACS.
specifies the ACSid whose esoteric is being changed.
specifies that the operation is being restricted to a specific host. Only the specified
hosts’ esoteric is set. If omitted, the esoterics for all hosts are changed.
specifies the 1- to 8-character host ID for the host to which the operation is
SET Cleaning Prefix
specifies that the cleaning prefix is to be set. This parameter requires that the HSC on
all systems be shut down before changing the cleaning prefix.
specifies a 3-character prefix for the cleaning cartridges. Valid characters are
A-Z, 0-9, $, #, and @.
Follow this procedure to change a cleaning cartridge prefix:
1. Eject all cleaning cartridges from all ACSs. The HSC records information about
cleaning cartridges in the CDS.
2. Terminate the HSC on all hosts.
3. Change the cleaning prefix using SET CLNPRFX.
4. Initialize the HSC on any desired hosts.
5. Enter new cleaning cartridges identified with the new prefix into all ACSs.
Note: It is preferable to enter new cleaning cartridges because a cartridge’s
select count is set to zero when it is ejected and reentered. The select count
tracks the number of times a cleaning cartridge has been used.
SET HSC Command Prefix
specifies that the HSC command prefix is to be set. HSCs that were brought up
before using this function still use the old command prefix. HSCs that are brought up
after the function use the new command prefix.
specifies the 2-character hexadecimal code of the command prefix. The
characters associated with each code are shown in Table 16.