28 VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Model Parameter
The MODel parameter is specified on the TAPEREQ and UNITATTR statements. MODel
values are processed as if they were RECtech values. UNITATTR control statements do
not use the RECtech parameter. Table 3 shows the relationship between MODel and
RECtech parameters.
Table 3. MODel/RECtech Translation
MODel Resulting RECtech
4480 18track
4490 36Atrack
9490 36Btrack
9490EE 36Ctrack
9840 STK1R34
984035 STK1R35
T9840B STK1RB34
T9840B35 STK1RB35
T9840C STK1RC34
T9840C35 STK1RC35
T9940A STK2PA34
T9940A35 STK2PA35
T9940B STK2PB34
T9940B35 STK2PB35