StorageTek 6 Water System User Manual

140 VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Unit Attribute Definition (UNITDEF) Command and Control Statement
The UNITDEF command and control statement allows the user to specify the data set that
contains the unit attribute (UNITATTR) statements.
The UNITDEF statement can be specified in PARMLIB, or it can be issued as an operator
command to dynamically load or reload unit attribute parameters. (Refer to ‘‘PARMLIB
Control Statements’’ in the HSC Installation Guide for an explanation of PARMLIB.) The
definitions are only in effect for the host where UNITDEF is issued.
Caution: UNITATTR statements may not load after you physically update or change
devices (for example, from a T9840A to a T9840C).If a UNITDEF control statement
is loaded before the HSC reaches the base service level, the model type stored in the
CDS may not match the UNITATTR, causing an error to be generated.
SLS1628I UNITDEF: Record 1 ...
MODEL is incompatible with UNIT
In this case, you need to reload the UNITDEF. Refer to “Swapping Library
Transports - New Model Types” on page 57 to see a procedure to remedy the
If a definition file is changed by a UNITDEF operator command, and if the change is to be
permanent, you must update PARMLIB before restarting the HSC. If the definition file is
to be modified for a given shift or application, remember that the new definition remains
in effect until another definition is loaded or the HSC is recycled. The definition file then
reverts to the PARMLIB specification. Thus, UNITDEF can be used to temporarily
change a definition file.
1. When the UNITDEF command is issued, if the definition data set contains errors, an
HSC message provides the parameter in error, a description of the problem, and the
line number where the error occurred. If the definition data set contains errors, none
of the attributes specified in the UNITATTR control statement(s) will be loaded (put
into effect), which may cause the wrong transport to be allocated for a volume.
Message SLS1627I is displayed if errors are encountered. If 50 errors are
encountered, the remainder of the data set is not checked. Correct the problem and
reissue the command.
2. If you issue multiple UNITDEF statements, the last one processed is currently active.
You can determine which UNITDEF statement is active by entering the Display
UNITDEF command.