194 VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
7. As the HSC attempts to float dismounts to a nearby LSM, there should be less
pass-thru activity on dismounts than on mounts. However, to float cartridges, free
cells must be available. Ejects also may incur more pass-thru activity than enters
because the HSC attempts to place entered cartridges into the same LSM as the entry
CAP. Ejected cartridges may take numerous pass-thru operations to move from their
home cell to the preferred CAP.
8. The Activities Report summarizes information contained in SMF input. Two types of
SMF records are written every HSC SMF interval:
• LSM operating statistics record, (subtype 1), and
• LMU statistics buffer data block records (subtype 4).
The Move section of the Activities Report only processes the LSM operating
statistics records. LSM operating statistic records contain information describing
moves which complete during an HSC SMF interval. When attempting to understand
ACS performance it may be worthwhile to decrease the HSC SMF interval so the
HSC SMF records describe finer intervals of time (see ‘‘Adding SMF Parameters’’
HSC Installation Guide).
For the ACS section of the Activities Report, output is based on an LMU interval. In a
single host environment, the LMU interval is equivalent to the customer-defined HSC
SMF interval.
In a multi-host environment, the LMU interval for each host is equivalent to the
customer-defined HSC SMF interval for the host on which the HSC is running. In this
case, data from all hosts must be combined to get an accurate picture of HSC activity.
Combining data is necessary because the LMU’s reports of robotic motions and temporary
error counts are not separated by the requesting host. Robotic motions and temporary error
counts attributed to all hosts are combined and sent to the host that is currently requesting
ACS statistics.
In addition, in a multi-host environment, cartridge motions initiated for one host may be
accounted for in another host’s SMF data, depending on the relative length and timing of
the SMF reporting intervals on the various hosts. This is true for data that appears in PM2
and CA-9 Reliability Plus (R+) reports, as well as in this report. The SMF subtype 7
records generated for each motion request are reported only by the host that initiated the
Note: For this report and for the CA-9 (R+) report, it is better to combine data from
multiple hosts prior to generating the report so that the data from all sources will be
reported and the totals and averages listed will be as accurate as possible.
Activities Report