Sony 7 Water System User Manual

Fast video resizing
This option applies to file types that contain a video stream. Selecting the Fast video resizing check box speeds
the process of saving video. When this option is turned off, the time required to save the file can increase
dramatically. Clear this check box only when you have critical material where nothing but the highest
quality video rendering will do. For more information, see Saving a video file on page 242.
Creating custom templates
If the file type you select supports it, you can create custom settings for saving files by clicking the Custom
If a file type supports custom templates, a Custom
button displays next to the
Template drop-down list after you
choose the file type.
When you click the
Custom button, a Custom Template dialog appears. Adjust the settings for the different
template properties as needed. For help on the different settings, click the
What’s This Help button ( ) and
click a control, or click a control and press + .
When you are finished editing the template properties, click the
OK button.
Saving custom templates
You can save a custom template to use again by entering a template name in the Template box (in the
Custom Template dialog) and clicking the
Save Template button ( ).
Deleting custom templates
You can delete a custom template by selecting the template from the Templat e drop-down list (in the Custom
Settings dialog) and clicking the
Delete Template button ( ).
Saving all open audio files
Choosing Save All from the File menu automatically prompts you to save all open audio files on the current
Pressing while choosing the Save All command
automatically saves all open files without prompting you to
approve each save.