Sony 7 Water System User Manual

Sound Forge and MIDI timecode synchronization
MIDI timecode (MTC) is a method of using SMPTE timing signals to synchronize multiple devices.
Although MIDI timecode is typically used to synchronize audio and video, it can also be used to synchronize
playback devices. Sound Forge also has the ability to synchronize to external MTC or generate MTC for
other devices to follow. For more information, see SMPTE Timecode on page 269.
With Sound Forge you can also specify start times of regions in the Regions List to synchronize digital audio
with additional timed events. For example, if a MIDI sequencer generates SMPTE timecode, Sound Forge
can synchronize to it with its own SMPTE timecode and initiate region playback at specified times.
MTC synchronization versus Note-On MIDI triggering
Synchronizing to MTC is similar to synchronizing to other MIDI events and can be used in many of the
same situations. The major advantage of MTC synchronization is that it allows for accurate SMPTE start
times to be specified within Sound Forge. However, MTC synchronization requires more of your systems
processing power.
When triggering a limited number of sounds in Sound Forge from a sequencer, it is preferable to use Note-
On MIDI Triggering. For more information, see Triggering file playback on page 202.
Playing regions using MTC from a sequencer
Triggering region playback in Sound Forge from a sequencer using MTC involves three procedures:
Configuring the regions.
Enabling MIDI input synchronization.
Configuring the sequencer.
Configuring the regions
Open the Voiceover.pca file and view the Regions List and Playlist windows.
Select the Wow region in the Regions List and drag it to the playlist. The Wow region is added to the
Double-click the Wow region in the playlist. The Edit Playlist dialog appears.
From the Trigger drop-down list, choose SMPTE: Play at Time. The SMPTE time box activates.
Enter an appropriate SMPTE start time using the hours:minutes:seconds:frames format and click OK. A
small musical note appears adjacent to region in the playlist to indicate that a start time for this regions
playback is configured.
The Wow region is added to the playlist.
A small musical note
indicates a start time