Sony 7 Water System User Manual

MIDI devices, 205
Samplers, 210
Interpolating audio to repair glitches, 139
Introducing Sound Forge, 15
Invert/Flip, 158
IRCAM, 271
MIDI, 214
Automatically generating for files, regions, and markers, 93,
Level ruler, 74
Record, 125
Levels toolbar, 35
Loop Tuner, 223
Locking loop length, 226
Zero-crossing finders, 225
Looped playback, 51
Loops, 219233
Creating for ACID, 228233
Editing, 223
Halving/doubling, 231
Locking loop length, 226
Release, 219
Rotating audio, 232
Saving, 233
Setting tempo, 233
Shifting selections left/right, 231
Sustaining, 219
Magnify tool, 76
Main screen, 24
Markers, 9298
Automatically naming, 93, 126
clipped audio, 95
Creating, 92
Creating during playback, 92
Creating during recording, 92, 125
Creating regions from, 95, 102
Moving, 94
Naming, 92
Measures and Beats
Configuring, 66
getting, 46
Media files
Auto preview setting, 47
Meters, 37
Disabling, 20
MIDI, 201208
Conflicting SCSI IDs, 217
Device configuring, 202
Devices, 205
Fine-tune value, 214
Initiating playback, 203
Input synchronization, 202
Keyboard, 214
Open loop versus closed loop, 212
Periodic transfer failures, 217
Playback and triggered playback, 201
Resetting triggers, 203
Sample Dump Standard (SDS), 209, 216
SCSI MIDI Device Interface (SMDI), 209
SMPTE, 201
Synchronizing when recording, 124
Timecode synchronization, 206208
Trigger configuring, 202
Triggered playback, 202
Triggers, 201
Unity note, 214
MIDI Keyboard, 214
Configuring, 215
Displaying, 214
Generating chords, 215
Specifying instruments, 215
Troubleshooting, 215
Turning on, 214
Minimizing quantization error, 86
Mixing, 60, 136
Monitor for video previewing, 239
Mono to stereo conversion, 87
Mouse shortcuts, 23, 79, 264
Moving markers, 94
MTC sync, 206208
MTU, 271
Multiple takes (no Regions), 120
Multiple takes creating regions, 120
Musical time intervals, 101
Mute, 158
Automatically naming files, regions, and markers, 93, 126
Markers, 92
In the overview bar, 71
Spectrum graphs, 248