Sony 7 Water System User Manual

Using the Save As dialog
The Save As dialog allows you to save an audio file with a new name, in an alternate format, or with new
Save as type
The Save as type drop-down list allows you to choose any format supported by Sound Forge.
The Recent drop-down list allows you to access frequently used folders.
Te mpl a t e
The Tem plat e drop-down list provides a list of standard templates for saving your files. Select a template from
the list, or click
Custom to customize the settings. For more information, see Creating custom templates on page
The Description box displays the attributes of the selected template.
Save metadata with file
Select the Save metadata with file check box to save marker, region, playlist, sampler, loop, and summary
information with the file. If the file type selected in the
Save as type drop-down list doesnt support metadata,
Sound Forge prompts you to save the metadata in an external file with an .sfl extension. For more
information, see Using Markers, Regions, and the Playlist/Cutlist on page 91, Adding summary information on page
89, and Saving loop points on page 233.
Stretch video to fill output frame (do not letterbox)
This option applies to file types that contain a video stream. Selecting the Stretch video to fill output frame (do
not letterbox)
check box stretches the source video frame if the destination frame rate differs. When this
option is turned off, letterboxing or pillarboxing occurs. For more information, see Saving a video file on page
Select file type
Select recent directories
Select template
Template description
Select saving metadata option
Select video options