Sony 7 Water System User Manual

Recovering an impulse from an electronic device
To recover an impulse from an electronic device, you need the following equipment:
A playback device that connects to the devices inputs
A recording device that connects to the devices outputs
Recording the impulse in an acoustic space
Once you have assembled the required equipment, you are ready to begin recording the impulse. The
following sections describe the typical impulse recording procedure.
Transferring the test tone
The first step in recording the impulse is to transfer the desired test tone to your playback device. The Sound
Forge CD-ROM contains two test tones: a 24-second test tone and a 48-second test tone. We typically
recommend that you use the 24-second tone because longer tones result in greater signal-to-noise ratios. The
48-second tone should be used in particularly noisy environments or when the decay time of the acoustic
space is greater than six seconds.
There are spikes at the beginning and end of each test
tone. You should include the spikes in the recording to simplify
the recovery of the impulse in the later stages of the process.
Placing equipment
When recording the test tone in an acoustic space, you must determine where to place your playback system,
speakers, microphones, and recording system to produce optimal results. Microphone placement is crucial to
the quality of the impulse. The distance between the speakers and the microphone is the perceived distance
of audio processed with the impulse you create. For example, if you record the test tone with the speakers
positioned 100 feet from the microphones, all sounds processed with the resulting impulse sound as if they
are originating 100 feet from the listener.
Setting levels
After the devices are positioned, you should begin playback of the test tone. The test tone should be played
as loudly as possible (or practical) to produce the best signal-to-noise ratio. With the test tone playing at
optimum volume, set the levels on the recording device. Recording devices levels should also be set as high
as possible, but not permitted to clip or distort. Safe levels are determined by whether you are recording to an
analog or digital medium.
Recording the test tone
Begin recording on the recording device and begin playback of the test tone. Remember to include the spikes
at the beginning and end of the test tone. Record the test tone several times using the initial setup, then
move the microphones and record the test tones several more times. Continue moving the microphones and
recording until you have exhausted the spaces acoustic possibilities. Recording impulses in this manner
provides you with several distinct impulses for each space.
Recording the impulse through an electronic device
The recording process is similar if you are recording the output of an electronic device, but there are no
speakers or microphones to be placed.
Using the appropriate cables, connect the playback systems outputs to the electronic devices inputs and the
electronic devices outputs to the recording systems inputs. Once the devices are connected, play the test
tone through the electronic device and record its output on the recording system.