Sony 7 Water System User Manual

Navigation toolbar, 31
Net MD devices
exporting to, 67
New window
Creating, 52
Creating for each recorded take, 120
Creating through drag-and-drop, 137
Noise gate, 86
Noise shaping, 85, 152
Normalize, 87, 158161
Applying dynamic compression, 87, 161
Online help, 16
Via the web, 17
Whats This? help, 17
Open dialog, 46
Cutlist files, 111
Files, 46
Playlist files, 111
Regions List files, 105
Workspaces, 56
Opening files
Explorer window, 47
Hard disk defragmentation, 19
Meters, 20
Passive update, 20
Playback cursor and record counter, 20
Preload size, 20
Total buffer size, 19
Overview bar
Navigating, 71
Playback, 72
Using, 70
Overwriting, 131
Pan/Expand, 161
Mix mid-side (MS), 163
Pan (mix channels before panning), 163
Pan (preserve stereo separation), 163
Stereo expand, 163
Passive updating of displays, 20
Paste Special, 131
Crossfading, 131
Overwriting, 131
Replicating, 132
Pasting, 58, 135
Drag-and-drop, 135
In existing data windows, 58
In new data windows, 58
Peak files, 48
Pencil tool, 140
Play meters, 37
Current playback mode, 28
Optional shuttle control buttons, 28
Using, 28
Files, 50
From a specific point, 50
From the cutlist, 110
From the playlist, 108
Loop Playback mode, 51
Play Device toolbar, 36
Selections, 51
Playlist, 106111
Adding regions, 106
Arranging, 108
copying to the clipboard, 111
Count, 107
Creating new files from, 109
Deleting regions from, 109
Displaying, 106
Opening playlist files, 111
Playing from, 108
Replicating regions, 108
Saving playlist files, 111
Stop points, 109
Treating as cutlist, 110
Plug-In Chainer, 171
Adding plug-ins, 172
Arranging plug-ins, 174
Audio tail data processing mode, 173
Bypassing plug-ins, 174
Configuring plug-ins, 175
Loading saved chains, 176
managing plug-ins, 176
Plug-In Manager, 176
Preset Manager, 177
Removing plug-ins, 175
Saving chains, 175
Saving settings as a preset, 175
Plug-In Manager, 176
Plug-ins, See Effects
Preload size, 20
Pre-roll to cursor, 70
Preset Manager, 177