Sony 7 Water System User Manual

Auto Trim/Crop
Auto Trim/Crop removes silence from an audio file. In addition, this function automatically fades the
endpoints of a phrase.
Using Auto Trim/Crop
Open the Voiceover.pca file.
From the Process menu, choose Auto Trim/Crop. The Auto Trim/Crop dialog appears.
From the Preset drop-down list, choose Phrase Concatenator 1 and click OK. Sound Forge prompts you to
approve the deletion of the current Regions List.
Click Ye s. The Auto Trim/Crop function deletes silence in the file and creates new regions based on the
presets parameters. For more information, see Auto Trim/Crop controls on page 149.
Auto Trim/Crop controls
The following controls are located in the Auto Trim/Crop dialog.
Function drop-down list
The Function drop-down list contains five presets.
Attack threshold
Determines the threshold level for detection of the trim/crop start point: -Inf. indicates complete silence,
and 0 dB indicates maximum amplitude level.
Preset Description
Keep edges outside of the
Removes silence within the selection, but retains all data outside of the selection.
Remove edges outside of
the selection
Removes silence within the selection and deletes all data beyond the selection.
Remove silence between
phrases (creates regions)
Removes silence within the selection and creates regions from individual phrases. For
more information, see Minimum inter-phrase silence on page 150.
Remove data beyond loop
Removes all data beyond the selected loop. For more information, see Minimum length
following loop end on page 150.
Remove data from start
and limit file length
Allows you to specify an amount of sound to be deleted from the beginning of each file
and specify a maximum length for converted files. If a file is longer than this length,
Sound Forge trims it. This preset is useful for creating sample clips.
Auto Trim/Crop dialog