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Installation/Configuration Notes
The D6100i and Monitoring Centers
The D6100i has extended edges so that installers can mount
it easily into a standard 48.3 cm (19 in.) rack cabinet. Rack
cabinets conserve floor space.
Note Rack cabinets are sold separately by a variety
of manufacturers.
The D6100i connects directly to automation computers.
Users can use the automation system or the D6100i keypad
to acknowledge events. There is up to a 2000 event history
Network Communications and Control Panels
For network communications, it is necessary to use one of
following modules with the appropriate control panel:
Conettix C900V2 Dialer Capture Ethernet Module or
Conettix DX4020 Ethernet Network Interface Module.
Review the control panel specifications for the
recommended network interface or dialer capture modules.
The D6100i can supervise up 10 network accounts without
a D6201 Security Key. To use the full account capacity, a
D6201 Security Key is required.
Parts Included
Quantity Component
1 Conettix D6100i Communications Receiver/Gateway
1 P6602 Input and Output Cable
1 Conettix D6200CD CD-ROM
1 External Battery Connection
1 Country Specific AC Transformer (refer to Ordering Information
for details)
Technical Specifications
Automation Outputs
Automation Outputs: SIA mode
6500 mode
Rack Mount Dimensions (2U): 9.0 cm. x 37.5 cm x 25.5 cm
(3.5 in. x 19 in. x 10 in.)
Standalone Dimensions: 9.0 cm. x 30.5 cm. x 25.5 cm
(3.5 in. x 12 in. x 10 in.)
Weight : 3 kg (7 lb)
Environmental Considerations
Temperature (Operating): 0°C to 50°C
(+32°F to +122°F)
Power Requirements
AC Nominal Operating Range: 18 VAC ±15% with 50 VA transformer
Standby Power: Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
containing a sealed lead-acid battery,
12 V, 7 Ah to 18 Ah
Current Requirements
Battery Current: 330 mA
UPS AC Standby Current: 180 mA
Telephone: RJ11C modular jacks, with 26 AWG
or larger wire diameter
Ringer Equivalence Number (REN)
REN: 0.4 B
Industry Canada (IC) REN: 0.2
Screen Dimensions: 1.8 cm x 15.2 cm (0.7 in. x 6.0 in.)
dot matrix LCD, 5 x 7 dots per char-
acter. Shows two separate lines, 40
characters per line.
Indicators: LED display section indicates receiver
status and power.
Inputs and Outputs
For Automation Computer Connec-
One RS-232 interface port COM3 or
Ethernet for IP
For External Serial Printer, PC, Mo-
One RS-232 interface port COM4
For Parallel Printer Connection: One parallel printer port
Number of Programmable Inputs: Two (wire harness included)
Number of Programmable Outputs: Two (wire harness included)
Ethernet: RJ45 modular jack for Ethernet
10Base-T or 100Base-TX (Auto-
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