394 | Conettix - Information Transport Solutions | Conettix - Receiver/Gateway
Ordering Information
Conettix D6100 Kit (230 VAC)
Includes one D6100, one transformer 230
VAC, and one round pin-style plug. For use in
Albania, Angola, Chile, Greece, Greenland,
Guinea, Iceland, Luxembourg, Russian Feder-
ation, South Korea, Thailand, United Arab Emi-
rates, Yugoslavia, Austria, Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,
Israel, Italy, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway,
Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Kuwait, and Malaysia.
Conettix D6100 Kit (220 VAC)
Includes one D6100, one transformer 220
VAC, and one blade-style plug. For use in Chi-
na, Republic of the Phillipines, and Saudi Ara-
Conettix D6100 Kit (240 VAC)
Includes one D6100, one transformer 240
VAC, and one rectangle-style plug. For use in
Gambia, Ireland, United Kingdom, Cyprus,
Falkland Islands, Grenada, Kenya, and Ugan-
P6602 Input and Output Cable
Connects to the receiver and provides use of
the input and output lines.
Conettix D6100 Rack Mount Kit
Standard rack mount kit measuring 48.3 cm
(19 in.).
Software Options
Conettix D6200CD CD‑ROM
Provides software for programming, operat-
ing, simulating, and demonstrations. Includes
PDF documentation files for hardware and
software relating to the Conettix Communica-
tions Receiver/Gateway.
Bosch Security Systems B.V. www.boschsecurity.com