314 | LSN Peripherals | LSN Motion PIR/Microwave
IR 200 LSN Infrared Motion
Wide-angle version (standard) up to 15 m
Long-range version (optional) up to 25 m
Temperature compensation
Configuration of the detector is done by programming
software in the corresponding LSN control panel.
Alarm, tampering and faults are evaluated via the LSN
2-wire connection to LSN
The IR 200 LSN infrared motion detector is used to monitor
rooms for unauthorized entry.
PIR motion detector, 15 m wide-angle version. 25 m long-
range version with long-range mirror (optional).
A dual, differentially-connected pyroelectric sensor is
positioned at the focal point of a mirror. Depending upon
the particular construction of the mirror, this results in a
fine-mesh, grid-like (IR 200 LSN) monitoring area, or a
comprehensive, wall-like (IR 200 LSN with IRS 162)
monitoring area.
The detector uses the temperature of surrounding surfaces,
such as floors and walls, as the reference value. The
detector is configured for optimum sensitivity and false
alarm suppression. However, high temperature fluctuations
on the reference surfaces should be avoided.
Sensitivity adjustments
The sensitivity can be set at 3 levels using the DIP switch:
the sensitivity setting "high value" must not be used in
rooms with wall lengths of less than 5 m.
High values – increased detection requirements
Default – living room, office
Raw environment – premises with significant disturbances
Detector displays
The detector has a walk test indicator that, when the walk
test is activated, blinks for approx. 3 seconds each time the
alarm is triggered.
The detector is not equipped with an alarm log display. Due
to the individual detector identification by the LSN control
panel, this is no longer necessary.
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
Europe CE IR 200 LSN
Germany VdS G 101531, B IR 200 LSN (W)
G 101532, B IR 200 LSN (V)
Installation/Configuration Notes
IR 200 LSN detectors do not mutually influence each other.
If multiple detectors are used for wall-to-wall monitoring,
the detection zones can overlap.
Fixed objects represent surfaces that reduce the detection
Outside the monitoring area, ceilings and walls should be
mechanically stable.
In order to ensure the intrusion security of ceilings that are
not mechanically stable, detectors should monitor each
The HIGH response sensitivity cannot be used in rooms
whose sides are less than 5 m long.
Moving objects within the detection zone are not permitted.
If placed above a heating radiator, a minimum distance of
1.5 m to the radiator is necessary.
Heat sources within the detection zone cause faults.
Shielded installation cable must be used to connect the
The detector reacts best to movement at right angles to the
detection zones.
After initial set-up of the detector in an LSN cluster, wait at
least one minute until the detector is operationally ready.
Bosch Security Systems B.V. www.boschsecurity.com