LSN Peripherals | LSN Motion PIR/Microwave | 317
IR 270 T LSNi Infrared
Motion Detector, Antimask
Wide-angle version (standard) up to 18 m including
look-down zone
Long-range version (optional) up to 25 m
Antimasking/tamper protection
Temperature compensation
Analysis of: alarm, masking, tampering, fault
Alarm memory
2-wire connection to LSN sufficient
The IR 270 T LSNi infrared motion detector is used to
monitor rooms for unauthorized entry.
PIR motion detector 18 m wide-angle version with
antimasking and look-down zone.
25 m long-range version with long-range mirror (optional).
The detector uses the temperature of surrounding surfaces,
such as floors and walls, as the standby value. The detector
is configured for optimum sensitivity and false alarm
suppression. However, high temperature fluctuations on
the reference surfaces should be avoided.
The sensitivity of the antimask message can be adjusted
with the configuration software. You can use the functions
to switch between the REAL-time antimask message and
the latch antimask message.
REAL-time (non-saving): A cover is displayed as long as the
detector is masked.
Latch (saving): The activated antimask message is stored
until antimasking is reset.
If the detector is ripped from the mounting surface or the
cover is removed, a sabotage alert is triggered.
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
Europe CE IR 270 T LSNi
Germany VdS G 106020, C IR 270 T LSNi (W)
G 106019, C IR 270 T LSNi (V)
Installation/Configuration Notes
IR 270 T LSNi detectors do not mutually influence each
other. The detection zones may overlap.
Fixed objects represent surfaces that reduce the detection
Outside the monitoring area, ceilings and walls should be
mechanically stable.
In order to ensure the intrusion security of ceilings that are
not mechanically stable, detectors should monitor each
The HIGH response sensitivity cannot be used in rooms
whose sides are less than 5 m long.
Moving objects within the detection zone are not permitted.
If placed above a heating radiator, a minimum distance of
1.5 m to the radiator is necessary.
Heat sources within the detection zone cause faults.
A minimum distance of 1 cm above the detector must be left
free to allow its cover to be put in place.
Wall, corner and 45° installation are possible without
The IR UM20 wall installation mount and IR UM30 ceiling
installation mount accessories (optional) can be used to
swivel the detector by ±45° and to incline it by +10°/-15°.
Wide-angle version
The detector reacts best to movement at right angles to the
detection zones.
Side view
www.boschsecurity.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.