334 | LSN Peripherals | LSN Smoke
FAP‑520 Automatic Fire
Detectors LSN improved
Modern, ultra-flat design
Smooth, easily-cleaned detector surface
Innovative fastening mechanism
High reliability
Maintains LSN loop functions in the event of wire
interruption or short-circuit thanks to two integrated
Extended system parameters of improved LSN
The FAP‑520 Automatic Fire Detectors combine the
advantages of the improved LSN technology with the
aesthetic benefits of flush-mounted installation and the
option to choose the color. The detectors are specially
designed for connection to the Modular Fire Panel
FPA‑5000 with the significantly extended LSN system
The FAP‑520 is available as a scattered light smoke detector
or as a multi-sensor detector with an additional gas sensor.
The respective versions of the detectors are available in
white or transparent with color toning inserts.
The smooth, flush-installation surface means the FAP‑520
Fire Detectors can be installed in areas with high aesthetic
requirements. In addition, the detectors are suitable for
areas with heightened dust exposure.
The detectors and trim rings in the "transparent with color
inserts" version are supplied complete with reversible
printed color ring sets, offering a choice of 16 colors for
individual color matching.
Sensor technology and signal processing
All detectors in the FAP‑520 Series are equipped with two
optical sensors and a pollution sensor. The FAP‑OC‑520
multisensor detector contains a gas sensor as an additional
detection channel.
The individual sensors can be programmed with RPS or
WinPara software via the LSN network. All sensor signals
are constantly analyzed by the internal signal evaluation
electronics and are linked with each other through
By linking the optical sensors and the gas sensor, the OC
detector can also be used in places where the work carried
out gives rise to small amounts of smoke, steam or dust. The
alarm will only be triggered automatically if the signal
combination corresponds with the characteristic diagram
of the installation location that was selected during
configuring. Consequently, a very high reliability against
false alarms is obtained.
When 50% of the alarm threshold is reached, a pre alarm is
signaled (displayed in the event database of the fire panel).
Optical sensor (smoke sensor)
The optical sensor (1) operates according to the scattered
light method.
The LEDs (3) transmit light at a defined angle into the
scattered light area (7).
In case of fire, the light is scattered by the smoke particles
and strikes the photo diodes (2), which transform the
quantity of light into a proportional electrical signal.
Bosch Security Systems B.V. www.boschsecurity.com