336 | LSN Peripherals | LSN Smoke
Region Certification
Europe CE FAP-520 / FAA-500-R
CPD 0786-CPD-20201 FAP-O 520 / 520-P
0786-CPD-20202 FAP-OC 520 / 520-P
Germany VdS G 205125 FAP-O 520/520-P
G 205119 FAP-OC 520/520-P
Poland CNBOP 2565/2007 FAP-O 520, FAP-O 520-P
2566/2007 FAP-OC 520, FAP-OC 520-P
Hungary TMT TMT-20/2006 FAP-O 520, FAP-O 520-P
TMT-21/2006 FAP-OC 520, FAP-OC 520-
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
Installation/Configuration Notes
Can be connected to the Modular Fire Panel FPA‑5000
with the improved LSN system parameters
in "Classic Mode" can be connected to the LSN fire
panels BZ 500 LSN, UEZ 2000 LSN, UGM 2020 and to
other panels or their receiver modules with identical
connection conditions, although with the previous LSN
system parameters
The detectors and detector bases can be used together
with the „Rotaris“ lamp by Philips.
The detectors must be installed exclusively in the
FAA‑500 LSN Bases provided. In addition, the detector
base must be installed in an FAA‑500‑BB Ceiling Mount
Back Box or in an FAA‑500‑SB Surface Mount Back Box.
Note For flush ceiling mounting with FAA‑500‑BB:
The false ceiling may have a maximum
thickness of 32 mm. Above the false ceiling, a
free height of at least 110 mm is required.
The detectors are not intended for outdoor use.
A hemispherical space with a radius of 50 cm must
remain free below the detectors.
1 Detector
2 Ceiling
3 Hemispherical space below the detector
Care must be taken to ensure that neither people, large
animals, plants, swinging doors nor any objects intrude
into this area and that no parts of the detector surface
become covered.
The detectors may only be installed in a position which
is out of arm's reach. We therefore recommend a
minimum installation height of 2.70 m.
The detectors may not be installed in rooms in which
data is transmitted by means of high-intensity infrared
light (e g. in rooms with IR systems for interpreters).
The detectors must be mounted so that they are not
exposed to any direct sunlight.
A minimum distance of 50 cm from lamps must be
maintained. The detectors may not be mounted in a
cone of light from lamps.
The bases are equipped as standard with a spring which
is suitable for installation of the detector in false
ceilings. When the detector is installed in concrete or
wooden ceilings, these need to be replaced by the
stronger springs FAA‑500‑SPRING with red markings.
Maximum permitted air speed: 20 m/s
Country-specific standards and guidelines must be
observed during the planning phase.
Installation/configuration notes in accordance with VdS/
In accordance with VDE, only 127 detectors may be
connected to the loop, while only 32 automatic or
10 manual detectors may be connected in the stub.
The FAP‑OC 520, like the FAP‑O 520, is planned
according to the guidelines for optical detectors (see
DIN VDE 0833 Part 2 and VDS 2095).
Parts Included
Detector type Qty. Components
FAP-O 520 1 Optical Smoke Detector, White
FAP-O 520-P 1 Optical Smoke Detector, Transparent with Col-
or Inserts
FAP-OC 520 1 Multisensor Detector Optical/Chemical, White
FAP-OC 520-P 1 Multisensor Detector Optical/Chemical, Trans-
parent with Color Inserts
Technical Specifications
Operating voltage 15 V DC . . 33 V DC
Current consumption < 3.26 mA
Alarm output Per data word by two-wire signal line
Indicator output Open collector connects 0 V over 1.5 kΩ
through, max. 15 mA
Ø 113 x 55 mm
Detector with Tim Ring
Ø 150 x 55 mm
Detector with Trim Ring,
Base and Ceiling Mount
Back Box
Ø 150 x 110 mm
Housing material Polycarbonate
Detector housing
Signal white, RAL 9003
Detector front plate
FAP‑O 520/ FAP‑OC 520
signal white matt
Detector front plate
FAP‑O 520‑P/
FAP‑OC 520‑P
Weight Without / with packaging
Bosch Security Systems B.V. www.boschsecurity.com