116 | Software | Programming Software
WDSRP Remote Program-
ming Soft-
ware for Windows
Windows 3.1/ 95/ 98/ 2000 compatible
Unattended service
Remote diagnostics
Quick uploads/downloads
Report capability
Anti-takeover lockout
Context sensitive on screen help
IBM PC/Hayes modem (2400B Modem Kit) or DC110
SecureCom modem compatible
WDSRP is a remote programming software package that
provides a means of programming and alarm control panels.
It operates on standard IBM compatible PCs running
with an industry standard modem. It
provides unattended remote programming, and unique
account data base features.
Account Service
When it comes to finding or sorting accounts, few programs
approach the flexibility of our Key Search. Accounts
contained in the WDSRP database can be located or sorted
based on phone numbers, names, addresses, account
numbers, and sort keys. Unlike most programs, you do not
need to know the account number to find a customer file.
Anti-takeover Lockout
Some control panels feature an anti-takeover lockout that
will deny unauthorized people the ability to reprogram the
control panel from the keypad. This feature can be set to
lock out phone number changes only, thus preventing
account takeover, while allowing local service of other
features, or it can be set to lock out all keypad
Context-sensitive On-screen Help
Help prompts explain each screen item as it is selected. At
any time a full page of additional context-sensitive help
information may be displayed on the screen. The Help
system provides an on-screen manual for complete details
on the operation of the program.
Enhanced Security
With all the power of the WDSRP software, we have not
forgotten about the security of your sensitive account data.
We have provided multiple authority levels that can be
customized to your requirements. You can restrict program
users from changing panel arm states, deny them access to
sensitive information, or blank out whole screens of data.
You can assign each program operator their own password
and the WDSRP system provides a transaction record of the
last user to make changes, thus providing operator
The WDSRP control to phone link is also secure since each
DS7060, DS7080, DS7090, DS7100 and DS7400 panel
contains a 10-digit password (one trillion unique
combinations). This password cannot be changed or read
at the panel. Selecting the remote callback option can
enhance security and reduction of phone costs. Panels can
be programmed to send a digital central station report of
remote programming sessions.
Flexible Phone Call Handling
The supported control panels, together with the WDSRP
software, support unattended remote programming even
when both the panel and WDSRP are unattended, and they
also support optional call back.
Multiple Phone Line Capability
WDSRP can be configured to use up to four different
modems and phone lines simultaneously. This allows
multiple control panels to communicate at the same time.
Pulse/Tone Dialing
The WDSRP program can initiate calls on either a pulse or
tone dial format so you will have no problem with phone
system compatibility.
Quick Uploads/Downloads
Proprietary data compression technique reduces the time
it takes to upload or download panel programming. One
parameter can be changed in as little as eight seconds.
Programmed values are not up/downloaded unless they
have been modified.
Bosch Security Systems B.V. www.boschsecurity.com