162 | Detectors and Accessories | Motion PIR
DS304 PIR Detector with
Replaceable Mirrors
First step processing
Temperature compensation
Adjustable and replaceable mirrors
Two coverage patterns
Three mounting options
Solid state relay output
Alarm memory
Walk test remote control
The DS304 Passive Infrared (PIR) Detector uses first step
processing to reduce false alarms. The detector's mirrors,
coverage patterns, and mounting options provide
installation flexibility.
First Step Processing
First step processing (FSP) responds to human intruders
while ignoring other sources of motion, minimizing false
alarms. You do not need to select the sensitivity levels for
the application because FSP adjusts the detector’s
sensitivity based on signal amplitude, polarity, slope, and
Adjustable and Replaceable Mirrors
You can remove and replace the mirrors. You can also adjust
the vertical angle of the mirror to a recommended angle
according to the mounting height of the detector and the
type of mirror.
Test Features
The DS304 Detector has an external alarm LED (light
emitting diode). Walk test remote control means that you
can enter a command at the control panel to activate the
walk test LED.
Alarm Memory
Provides indication of stored alarms. Controlled by a
switched voltage from the control panel.
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
Europe CE 89/336/EEC, EN55022: 1998,
EN50130-4: 1996, IEC 1000-4-2: 1995,
IEC 1000-4-3: 1997, IEC 1000-4-4:
1995, IEC 1000-4-5: 1995, IEC
1000-4-6: 1996
73/23/EEC, 73/23/EEC Annex 1,
EN60950-1, EN60825
Belgium INCERT B-509-0023
Poland CNBOP 103/03
France AFNOR NF, A2P (262252-00)
Sweden INTYG Nr05-135
Europe Complies with EN50131-1 grade 2
Installation/Configuration Notes
Mounting Considerations
Mount the detector in an area where an intruder must
move across the coverage pattern.
Mount the detector within the height range of 2 m to
2.6 m; the recommended height is 2.3 m.
Mount multiple detectors so that the coverage pattern
from each detector intersects with another coverage
Do not mount the detector on or near windows.
Do not mount the detector directly in sunlight, in hot
air, or in cold air.
Do not mount the detector near air conditioning outlets,
heat sources, or animals.
Bosch Security Systems B.V. www.boschsecurity.com