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Supervision and Programming with Network
The protected premises sends supervision messages to the
D6600 at a programmed rate. Users can program the
supervision rate to be 5 seconds to 1275 seconds. The
D6600 acknowledges the supervision message, providing
end-to-end security. If authentication and encryption
algorithms detect potentially damaging activity, they alert
the central station operator.
The data network's communication link is continuously
supervised. Even when monitoring thousands of control
panels, the system consumes only a small amount of
Front Panel Access
The D6600 enclosure design provides convenient access to
the CPU card or the hot-swappable telephone line cards. A
hot-swappable card can be removed and replaced without
affecting system performance.
Flash Technology
Using the Conettix D6200 Programming/Administration
Software, flash technology in the D6600 allows for software
upgrades without additional hardware or firmware
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
Europe CE 1999/5/EC, EN55022: 1998,
EN50130-4: 1996, EN60950: 2000,
EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3,
EN61000-4-2: 1995, EN61000-4-3:
1995, EN61000-4-4: 1995,
EN61000-4-5: 1995, EN61000-4-6:
1995, EN61000-4-11: 1994, TBR21:
USA UL AMCX: Central Station Alarm Units
(UL1610, UL1635), AMCX7: Central
Station Alarm Units Certified for Canada
(cULus), APAW: Police Station Alarm Units
(UL365, UL464), APAW7: Police Station
Alarm Units Certified for Canada (cULus),
APOU: Proprietary Alarm Units (UL1076),
APOU7: Proprietary Alarm Units Certified
for Canada (cULus), UOJZ: Control Units,
System (UL864, 9th edition)
CSFM 7165-1615: 143, 7300-1615: 168, and
7300-1615: 179 July 2008
Canada ULC DAYRC: Central Station Fire Alarm System
IC 1249A-8925A
Hong Kong HKFSD
Brazil ANATEL 0841-03-2045
Australia Austel Approved
USA ANSI National Institute of Standards and
Technology's Advanced Encryption
Standard Certification (Certificate
Number 82)
NIST National Institute of Standards and
Technology AES Certification
Installation/Configuration Notes
The D6600 and Monitoring Centers
The D6600 has extended edges so that installers can mount
it easily into a rack cabinet. Mount up to eight D6600 units
into a standard 48.3 cm (19 in.) rack cabinet to conserve
floor space. Each D6600 connects 32 telephone lines. Eight
D6600 units can connect a total of 256 telephone lines,
process 600,000 digital accounts, and process 28,800
supervised Internet or intranet accounts.
Note Rack cabinets are sold separately by a variety
of manufacturers.
Incorporating Conettix IP Function into the D6600
With the correct Conettix IP hardware components, the
D6600 can supervise the network communications link. The
Conettix IP hardware components include:
Conettix D6201 Series IP Security Keys
Conettix D6672 COM 1 Expansion Kit
Conettix D6680 Ethernet Network Adapter
Network Communications and Control Panels
For network communications, it is necessary to use one of
following modules with the appropriate control panel:
Conettix C900V2 Dialer Capture Ethernet Module or
Conettix DX4020 Ethernet Network Interface Module.
Review the control panel specifications for the
recommended network interface or dialer capture modules.
Parts Included
Quantity Component
1 Conettix D6600 Communications Receiver/Gateway
1 Conettix D6610 CPU Card
1 Conettix D6615 CPU Terminator Card
1 Conettix D6641 Telephone Line Card (Expanded Memory)
1 Conettix D6645 Telephone Line Terminator Card
1 Conettix D6200CD CD-ROM
Includes the Conettix D6200 Programming/Administration
1 P6601 Battery Cable
1 P6602 Input and Output Cable
Bosch Security Systems B.V. www.boschsecurity.com