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Chapter 16 Troubleshooting
(c) When the set position is not reached
Check item Action
Does the value in "[Md.20]
Current feed value" indicate
the intended position when
the motor stops?
[When the position set in "[Md.20] Current feed value" is reached]
• Check that the values in "[Pr.2] Number of pulses per rotation
(AP)", "[Pr.3] Movement amount per rotation (AL)", and "[Pr.4]
Unit magnification (AM)" meet the system.
• When the servo amplifier has the electronic gear function, check
that the settings meet the system.
[When the position set in "[Md.20] Current feed value" is not
• Check that the motor is not stopped by Axis stop signals. If a
motor is stopped by them, the value "1: stopped" is stored in
"[Md.26] Axis operation status".
Signal QD77MS2/QD77MS4 QD77MS16
Axis stop signal Y4 to Y7 [Cd.180] Axis stop