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Chapter 8 OPR Control
OPR request
The "OPR request flag" ([Md.31] Status: b3) must be turned ON in the Simple
Motion module, and a machine OPR must be executed in the following cases.
(1) When not using an absolute position system
(a) This flag turns on in the following cases:
• System's power supply on or reset
• Servo amplifier power supply on
• Machine OPR start
(Unless a machine OPR is completed normally, the OPR request flag does
not turn off.)
(b) This flag turns off by the completion of machine OPR.
(2) When using an absolute position system
(a) This flag turns on in the following cases:
• When not executing a machine OPR even once after the system starts.
• Machine OPR start
(Unless a machine OPR is completed normally, the OPR request flag does
not turn off.)
• Erase of an absolute position data in the Simple Motion module according
to causes, such as battery error (the error "OPR data incorrect" (error
code: 1201) occurrence)
• The servo alarm "Absolute position erased" (alarm No.: 25) occurs.
([Md.108] Servo status (high-order buffer memory address) b14 ON)
• The servo warning "Absolute position counter warning" (warning No.: E3)
([Md.108] Servo status (high-order buffer memory address) b14 ON)
Buffer memory address (high-order)
QD77MS2/QD77MS4 QD77MS16
[Md.108] Servo status: b14
877+100n 2477+100n
n: Axis No.-1
• When the "Rotation direction selection/travel direction selection (PA14)" of
servo parameter is changed.
(b) This flag turns off by the completion of the machine OPR.
The address information stored in the Simple Motion module cannot be
guaranteed while the "OPR request flag" is ON.
The "OPR request flag" turns OFF and the "OPR complete flag" ([Md.31] Status:
b4) turns ON if the machine OPR is executed and is completed normally.