13 - 60
Chapter 13 Control Sub Functions
(2) The "[Cd.22] New torque value/forward new torque value" or "[Cd.113]
Reverse new torque value" is validated when written to the Simple Motion
(Note that it is not validated from the time the power supply is turned ON to
the time the PLC READY signal [Y0] is turned ON.)
(3) If the setting value of "[Cd.22] New torque value/forward new torque value"
is outside the setting range, the warning "Outside new torque value
range/outside forward new torque value range" (warning code: 113) will
occur and the torque will not be changed.
If the setting value of "[Cd.113] Reverse new torque value" is outside the
setting range, the warning "Outside reverse new torque value range"
(warning code: 115) will occur and the torque will not be changed.
(4) If the time to hold the new torque value is not more than 100ms, a torque
change may not be executed.
(5) When changing from "0: Forward/reverse torque limit value same setting" to
"1: Forward/reverse torque limit value individual setting" by the torque
change function, set "0" or same value set in "[Cd.22] New torque
value/forward new torque value" in "[Cd.113] Reverse new torque value"
before change.
[3] Setting the torque change function start signal
To use the "torque change function", write the data shown in the following table
to the Simple Motion module using the sequence program.
The set details are validated when written to the Simple Motion module.
Setting item Setting value Setting details
Buffer memory address
Torque change
function switching
0: Forward/
reverse torque
limit value
same setting
1: Forward/
reverse torque
limit value
Sets "same setting/individual setting" of the
forward torque limit value and reverse torque
limit value.
: Set "0" normally. (When the forward torque
limit value and reverse torque limit value
are not divided.)
: When a value except "1" is set, it operates
as "forward/reverse torque limit value
same setting".
1563+100n 4363+100n
New torque
value/forward new
torque value
0 to [Pr.17]
Torque limit
setting value
When "0" is set to "[Cd.112] Torque change
function switching request", a new torque limit
value is set. (This value is set to the forward
torque limit value and reverse torque limit
When "1" is set to "[Cd.112] Torque change
function switching request", a new forward
torque limit value is set.
1525+100n 4325+100n
Reverse new
torque value
0 to [Pr.17]
Torque limit
setting value
"1" is set in "[Cd.112] Torque change function
switching request", a new reverse torque limit
value is set.
: When "0" is set in "[Cd.112] Torque
change function switching request", the
setting value is invalid.
1564+100n 4364+100n
n: Axis No.-1
: Refer to Section 5.7 "List of control data" for details on the setting details.