3Com 3CRUS2475 Plumbing Product User Manual

telnet 425
User Guidelines
Telnet software supports special Telnet commands in the form of Telnet
sequences that map generic terminal control functions to operating
system-specific functions. To enter a Telnet sequence, press the escape
sequence keys (Ctrl-shift-6) followed by a Telnet command character.
Special Telnet Sequences
At any time during an active Telnet session, Telnet commands can be
listed by pressing the Ctrl-shift-6-? keys at the system prompt.
A sample of this list follows. Note that the Ctrl-shift-6 sequence appears
as ^^ on the screen.
Several concurrent Telnet sessions can be opened and switched. To open
a subsequent session, the current connection has to be suspended by
pressing the escape sequence keys (Ctrl-shift-6) and x to return to the
system command prompt. Then open a new connection with the telnet
User EXEC mode command.
Telnet Sequence Purpose
Ctrl-shift-6-b Break
Ctrl-shift-6-c Interrupt Process (IP)
Ctrl-shift-6-h Erase Character (EC)
Ctrl-shift-6-o Abort Output (AO)
Ctrl-shift-6-t Are You There? (AYT)
Ctrl-shift-6-u Erase Line (EL)
Console> ‘Ctrl-shift-6’ ?
[Special telnet escape help]
^^ B sends telnet BREAK
^^ C sends telnet IP
^^ H sends telnet EC
^^ O sends telnet AO
^^ T sends telnet AYT
^^ U sends telnet EL
Ctrl-shift-6 x suspends the session (return to system command