terminal history 103
history size number-of-commands
no history size
■ number-of-commands—Number of commands that the system
records in its history buffer. (Range: 10-200)
Default Configuration
The default history buffer size is 10.
Command Mode
Line Configuration mode
User Guidelines
This command configures the command history buffer size for a
particular line. To configure the command history buffer size for the
current terminal session, use the terminal history size User EXEC mode
The following example changes the command history buffer size to 100
entries for a particular line.
terminal history The terminal history User EXEC mode command enables the command
history function for the current terminal session. To disable the command
history function, use the no form of this command.
terminal history
no terminal history
Default Configuration
The default configuration for all terminal sessions is defined by the
history line configuration command.
line telnet
Console(config-line)# history size 100