Verifying a VLT Configuration
To monitor the operation or verify the configuration of a VLT domain, use any of the following show
commands on the primary and secondary VLT switches.
• Display information on backup link operation.
EXEC mode
show vlt backup-link
• Display general status information about VLT domains currently configured on the switch.
EXEC mode
show vlt brief
• Display detailed information about the VLT-domain configuration, including local and peer port-
channel IDs, local VLT switch status, and number of active VLANs on each port channel.
EXEC mode
show vlt detail
• Display the VLT peer status, role of the local VLT switch, VLT system MAC address and system priority,
and the MAC address and priority of the locally-attached VLT device.
EXEC mode
show vlt role
• Display the current configuration of all VLT domains or a specified group on the switch.
EXEC mode
show running-config vlt
• Display statistics on VLT operation.
EXEC mode
show vlt statistics
• Display the RSTP configuration on a VLT peer switch, including the status of port channels used in the
VLT interconnect trunk and to connect to access devices.
EXEC mode
show spanning-tree rstp
• Display the current status of a port or port-channel interface used in the VLT domain.
EXEC mode
show interfaces interface
– interface: specify one of the following interface types:
* Fast Ethernet: enter fastethernet slot/port.
* 1-Gigabit Ethernet: enter gigabitethernet slot/port.
* 10-Gigabit Ethernet: enter tengigabitethernet slot/port.
* Port channel: enter port-channel {1-128}.
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)