0 0 0
Internal 58 0 0
0 0 0
Internal 59 0 0
0 0 0
Internal 60 0 0
0 0 0
Internal 61 0 0
0 0 0
Displaying Dataplane Statistics
The show hardware linecard {0–2} cpu data-plane statistics command provides
information about the packet types entering a line-card CPU.
As shown in the following example, the show hardware linecard cpu data-plane statistics
command output provides detailed RX/TX packet statistics on a per-queue basis. The output allows you
to verify if CPU-bound traffic is internal (so-called party bus or IPC traffic) or network control traffic,
which the CPU must process.
To display input and output statistics on the party bus, which carries inter-process communication traffic
between CPUs use the show hardware party-bus port {{0-7}|all} statistics command.
Dell#show hardware linecard 2 cpu data-plane statistics
HANSKVILLE Mib Counters:
TR 64 byte frames = 3
TR 127 byte frames = 358
TR 255 byte frames = 1363
TR 511 byte frames = 1934
TR 1023 byte frames = 18
TR MAX Byte frames = 6202
TR MGV Frames = 0
Bytes Transmitted = 0
Frames Transmitted = 125183
Mcast Frames Transmitted = 0
Bcast Frames Transmitted = 4
Pause Frames Transmitted = 0
Deferred Transmits = 0
Excessive Deferred Transmits = 0
TX single collisions = 0
TX multiple collisions = 0
TX late collisions = 0
TX Excessive collisions = 0
TX total collisions = 0
TX Drops = 0
TX Jabber = 0
TX FCS errors = 0
TX Control frames = 0
TX oversize frames = 0
TX undersize frames = 0
TX fragments = 0
Bytes received = 0
Frames received = 2868
Bcast frames recvd = 24
Mcast frames recvd = 0
Control frames received = 0
Pause frames received = 0
FCS Errors = 0
Alignment errors = 0
Undersize frames recvd = 0
Debugging and Diagnostics