• EXEC mode is the default mode and has a privilege level of 1, which is the most restricted level. Only a
limited selection of commands is available, notably the show commands, which allow you to view
system information.
• EXEC Privilege mode has commands to view configurations, clear counters, manage configuration
files, run diagnostics, and enable or disable debug operations. The privilege level is 15, which is
unrestricted. You can configure a password for this mode; refer to the Configure the Enable Password
section in the Getting Started chapter.
• CONFIGURATION mode allows you to configure security features, time settings, set logging and
SNMP functions, configure static ARP and MAC addresses, and set line cards on the system.
Beneath CONFIGURATION mode are submodes that apply to interfaces, protocols, and features. The
following example shows the submode command structure. Two sub-CONFIGURATION modes are
important when configuring the chassis for the first time:
• INTERFACE submode is the mode in which you configure Layer 2 and Layer 3 protocols and IP
services specific to an interface. An interface can be physical (Management interface, 10 Gigabit
Ethernet, or 40 Gigabit Ethernet, or logical (Loopback, Null, port channel, or virtual local area network
• LINE submode is the mode in which you to configure the console and virtual terminal lines.
NOTE: At any time, entering a question mark (?) displays the available command options. For
example, when you are in CONFIGURATION mode, entering the question mark first lists all available
commands, including the possible submodes.
The CLI modes are:
Navigating CLI Modes
The Dell Networking OS prompt changes to indicate the CLI mode.
The following table lists the CLI mode, its prompt, and information about how to access and exit the CLI
mode. Move linearly through the command modes, except for the end command which takes you
directly to EXEC Privilege mode and the exit command which moves you up one command mode level.
NOTE: Sub-CONFIGURATION modes all have the letters “conf” in the prompt with more modifiers
to identify the mode and slot/port information.
Table 1. Command Modes
CLI Command Mode Prompt Access Command
Access the router through the
console or Telnet.
EXEC Privilege
• From EXEC mode, enter the
enable command.
• From any other mode, use
the end command.
• From EXEC privilege mode,
enter the configure
• From every mode except
EXEC and EXEC Privilege,
enter the exit command.
Configuration Fundamentals