Minor Minor Off Major Major Off Shutdown
S0 50 45 50 45 N/A
S1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
S2 50 45 50 45 N/A
S3 50 45 50 45 N/A
S4 40 35 40 35 N/A
S5 50 45 50 45 N/A
S6 67 62 67 62 N/A
S7 68 63 68 63 N/A
S8 66 61 66 61 N/A
S9 66 61 66 61 N/A
-- Switching Core --
-- Temperature Limits (deg C) --
Minor Minor Off Major Major Off Shutdown
S0 93 86 100 95 105
S1 93 86 100 95 105
S2 93 86 100 95 105
S3 93 86 100 95 105
S4 93 86 100 95 105
S5 93 86 100 95 105
-- Port Modules --
-- Temperature Limits (deg C) --
Minor Minor Off Major Major Off Shutdown
S0 93 86 100 95 105
S1 93 86 100 95 105
S2 93 86 100 95 105
S3 93 86 100 95 105
S4 93 86 100 95 105
S5 93 86 100 95 105
S6 93 86 100 95 105
S7 93 86 100 95 105
S8 93 86 100 95 105
S9 93 86 100 95 105
S10 93 86 100 95 105
NOTE: The system software automatically shuts down the system if a critical component reaches a
critical shutdown threshold. The software attempts to correct the situation by running the system
and power-supply fans at their maximum prescribed levels (70% PWM for system fans, and 99% for
PSU fans). If sensor’s temperature does not decrease to a non-critical level within one minute (60
seconds), the system automatically shuts down.
Troubleshoot an Over-Temperature Condition
To troubleshoot an over-temperature condition, determine the sensor(s) that triggered the over-
temperature alarm by displaying the current temperature levels and the historical logs of the temperature
threshold-crossing events.
To display current temperature levels, use the show environment thermal-sensors command. If a
temperature threshold has been crossed, the command output appends a flag to the temperature value
of the sensor:
m for minor over-temperature, M for major over-temperature, or S for shutdown. Minor
Debugging and Diagnostics