Dell 9.7(0.0) Plumbing Product User Manual

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EXEC Privilege mode
show system brief
3. Start diagnostics on the switch.
diag system unit
When the tests complete, the system displays a syslog message:
00:13:17 : Diagnostic test results are stored on file: flash:/TestReport-
00:13:19 : Diagnostic test results are stored on file: flash:/TestReport-
00:13:20 : Diagnostic test results are stored on file: flash:/TestReport-
00:13:22: %Z9500LC12:0 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_DONE: Diags finished on linecard 0
00:13:22 : Recommended to reboot the system after diagnostics!!!
00:13:24: %Z9500LC12:1 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_DONE: Diags finished on linecard 1
00:13:25 : Recommended to reboot the system after diagnostics!!!
00:13:25: %Z9500LC12:2 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_DONE: Diags finished on linecard 2
00:13:25 : Recommended to reboot the system after diagnostics!!!
00:15:41 : Diagnostic test results are stored on file: flash:/TestReport-CP-
00:15:46: %SYSTEM:LP %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_DONE: Diags finished on CP unit
00:15:47 : Recommended to reboot the system after diagnostics!!!
Diagnostic results are printed to a file in the flash using the filename format TestReport-{CP | LP}-
4. View the results of the diagnostic tests.
EXEC Privilege mode
show file flash://TestReport-{LP}-unit-id.txt
Where unit-id specifies the Z9500 CPU:
Line-card CPU 0 is LP-0.
Line-card CPU 1 is LP-1.
Line-card CPU 2 is LP-2.
The Control Processor is CP.
5. View offline diagnostics.
EXEC Privilege mode
show diag information
Dell#show diag information
Diag information:
Diag software image version:
Linecard slot 0: Card diags are done (Card Offline).
Linecard slot 1: Card diags are done (Card Offline).
Linecard slot 2: Card diags are done (Card Offline).
Linecard slot 3: Card diags are done (Card Offline).
Debugging and Diagnostics