IPv6 Implementation on the Dell Networking OS
The Dell Networking OS supports both IPv4 and IPv6 and both may be used simultaneously in your
The following table lists the Dell Networking OS version in which an IPv6 feature became available for
each platform. The sections following the table give greater detail about the feature.
Feature and Functionality Dell Networking OS Release
Documentation and Chapter
Basic IPv6 Commands 8.3.11 IPv6 Basic Commands in the Dell
Networking OS Command Line
Reference Guide.
IPv6 Basic Addressing
IPv6 address types: Unicast 8.3.11 Extended Address Space
IPv6 neighbor discovery 8.3.11 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration 8.3.11 Stateless Autoconfiguration
IPv6 MTU path discovery 8.3.11 Path MTU Discovery
IPv6 ICMPv6 8.3.11 ICMPv6
IPv6 ping 8.3.11 ICMPv6
IPv6 traceroute 8.3.11 ICMPv6
IPv6 SNMP 8.3.11
IPv6 Routing
Static routing 8.3.11 Assigning a Static IPv6 Route
Route redistribution 8.3.11 OSPF, IS-IS, and IPv6 BGP
chapters in the Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference
Multiprotocol BGP extensions for
8.3.11 IPv6 BGP in the Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference
IPv6 BGP MD5 Authentication 8.3.11 IPv6 BGP in the Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference
IS-IS for IPv6 8.3.11 Intermediate System to
Intermediate System
IPv6 IS-IS in the Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference
IPv6 Routing