Dell 9.7(0.0) Plumbing Product User Manual

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Configure eVLT on Peer 4.
Domain_2_Peer4(conf)#interface port-channel 100
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-po-100)# switchport
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-po-100)# vlt-peer-lag port-channel 100
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-po-100)# no shutdown
Add links to the eVLT port-channel on Peer 4.
Domain_2_Peer4(conf)#interface range tengigabitethernet 0/31 - 32
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-range-te-0/16-17)# port-channel-protocol LACP
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-range-te-0/16-17)# port-channel 100 mode active
Domain_2_Peer4(conf-if-range-te-0/16-17)# no shutdown
PIM-Sparse Mode Configuration Example
The following sample configuration shows how to configure the PIM Sparse mode designated router
functionality on the VLT domain with two VLT port-channels that are members of VLAN 4001.
For more information, refer to PIM-Sparse Mode Support on VLT.
Example of Configuring PIM-Sparse Mode
Enable PIM Multicast Routing on the VLT node globally.
VLT_Peer1(conf)#ip multicast-routing
Enable PIM on the VLT port VLANs.
VLT_Peer1(conf)#interface vlan 4001
VLT_Peer1(conf-if-vl-4001)#ip address
VLT_Peer1(conf-if-vl-4001)#ip pim sparse-mode
VLT_Peer1(conf-if-vl-4001)#tagged port-channel 101
VLT_Peer1(conf-if-vl-4001)#tagged port-channel 102
VLT_Peer1(conf-if-vl-4001)#no shutdown
Configure the VLTi port as a static multicast router port for the VLAN.
VLT_Peer1(conf)#interface vlan 4001
VLT_Peer1(conf-if-vl-4001)#ip igmp snooping mrouter interface port-channel 128
Repeat these steps on VLT Peer Node 2.
VLT_Peer2(conf)#ip multicast-routing
VLT_Peer2(conf)#interface vlan 4001
VLT_Peer2(conf-if-vl-4001)#ip address
VLT_Peer2(conf-if-vl-4001)#ip pim sparse-mode
VLT_Peer2(conf-if-vl-4001)#tagged port-channel 101
VLT_Peer2(conf-if-vl-4001)#tagged port-channel 102
VLT_Peer2(conf-if-vl-4001)#no shutdown
VLT_Peer2(conf-if-vl-4001)#ip igmp snooping mrouter interface port-channel 128
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)