
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax server options 91
Field information
first name: can be empty
last name: can be empty
company: can be empty
department: can be empty
fax number: can be empty
voice number: can be empty
e-mail address: required - must be unique. If using Networks mode,
append @FAXmaker to the user name, and use this as the email
display name : required; cannot be empty
internet e-mail address : can be empty
NOTE: After importing FAXmaker users, you must restart the
FAXmaker MTA.
Configuring the Email2Fax gateway
The Email2Fax gateway is configured during installation. If you want
to change the settings after installation;
1. In the GFI FAXmaker configuration, right-click on the Email2Fax
Gateway node, and select properties. This brings up the Email2Fax
Gateway properties dialog.
Screenshot 92 - Email2Fax Gateway setup
2. Specify your mail server name and the SMTP port.