50 • Installing the clients GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Authentication’. Enable ‘Logon using Secure Password Authentication
(SPA)’ to have the FAXmaker Fax Message form use the current
Windows account name and password credentials. Note that SPA
requires that your mail server supports SPA. If your mail server does
not support SPA specify account name and password to use.
NOTE: These settings are identical to Microsoft Outlook Express and
in fact the FAXmaker Fax Message form uses the same Windows API
(CDO) as Microsoft Outlook Express. If you are unsure about the
settings, configure Outlook Express to send mails using authentication
on the client machine first, and then use the identical settings in the
FAXmaker Fax Message Form.
6. Set-up will now prompt you where to install the GFI FAXmaker
client. Select a location and click ‘Next’. Set-up will now copy the files
to the GFI FAXmaker destination folder.
7. After the files have been copied, set-up will confirm the installation
of the GFI FAXmaker printer driver. Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
Screenshot 56 - Confirm printer driver installation
8. Windows will confirm installation of uncertified drivers (Almost no
vendors certify them because it’s a very time intensive and
bureaucratic process). Click Continue Anyway to proceed. There will
be short delay during this installation. The client is now installed.
Specifying email address
The first time the user starts the FAXmaker Fax Message form, the
GFI FAXmaker client will retrieve the e-mail address of the currently
logged on user from Active Directory.
It will use this e-mail address to send transmission reports. If another
user logs on to the machine, then GFI FAXmaker will query Active
Directory again: In other words the system is fully compatible with a
multi user environment (e.g. on a Terminal Server.)