
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring GFI FAXmaker for Lotus Notes 181
1. Select the Configuration Tab > Messaging > Configurations.
2. Click Edit Configuration on the server with the faxmaker mailbox.
3. Select the MIME tab > Advanced Tab > Advanced Outbound
Message Options Tab
4. Set RFC822 Phrase Handling to Do not add phrase.
Configuring Lotus Notes 4 & 5
Step 1: Setting up a Fax database in Lotus Notes
In order to be able to use GFI FAXmaker with Lotus notes you must
set up a Notes mailbox which will be used by GFI FAXmaker to
receive faxes which GFI FAXmaker must send out. This mailbox must
be dedicated to GFI FAXmaker. To do this in Lotus Notes, you must
first create a database for the mailbox and then set up the mailbox. To
create the database you need to do the following:
Screenshot 176 - Creating a Notes Fax database
1. In the Notes Workspace select ‘File’->’Database’->’New’. The
New database dialog will now pop up.
2. In the server field select ‘local’
3. Set the Title to ‘GFI FAXmaker’.
4. The file name should display a path to the GFI FAXmaker
database file to be created
5. The template server option must be set to ‘local’ and the
template selected must be Mail (R5.0/6.0).
6. Click on OK. The database is now created and shown on the
7. Right click on the database just created on the Workspace and
select ‘Access Control’.
8. Ensure that manager rights with the option delete document
enabled have been given to the database.