GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Exporting Settings • 231
GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Exporting
This section will show you how to export the settings configured for
the GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack into an XML file. This is useful if
you need to take a backup of the favorite reports list and the
configured custom and scheduled reports. Exporting settings is also
useful if you need to setup an installation of GFI ReportCenter on
another machine. For this scenario, you need to export the settings
from the configured GFI ReportCenter installation, copy the exported
XML file over to the other machine where the new installation of GFI
ReportCenter is installed, and then import the settings from the XML
Exporting the GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack Settings
To export all the settings for the GFI FAXmaker 12.0 ReportPack,
follow these steps:
1. Click on the Options panel button.
2. Right-click on the Import/Export Configuration node and then
click Import/Export Configuration.
Screenshot 217 - Export setting dialog box
3. Click Export configuration options.