22 • Installing the fax devices GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
1. Start the GFI FAXmaker Configuration Wizard from the Start menu,
by clicking on GFI FAXmaker 12 > FAXmaker Configuration
2. In the Welcome page, click Next to continue. The wizard will stop
the GFI FAXmaker Fax Server Service and the GFI FAXmaker
Message Transfer Agent Service. Click Next to continue once the
services are both stopped.
Screenshot 20 - Selecting the Brooktrout SR140 driver
3. Click on Brooktrout by Cantata and from the list select Brooktrout
SR140 Software Fax over IP. Click Next to continue.
Screenshot 21 - Click Yes to launch the FAXmaker Brooktrout driver setup
4. The wizard will ask you whether you want to run the FAXmaker
Brooktrout TR1034 (Boston) / SR140 driver setup. Click Yes to
start the driver setup wizard.
NOTE 1: The Brooktrout TR1034 (Boston) / SR140 driver setup
contains drivers that are made by Cantata Technology, however
Cantata Technology relies on vendors to distribute them.
NOTE 2: You can download the latest GFI FAXmaker Brooktrout
TR1034 drivers (brooktrout_tr1034.exe) from
5. Setup will start by checking if there is any Brooktrout software
already installed on the machine. Should it be the case, uninstall any
existing Brooktrout software using the Add/remove programs from
the Control Panel. After all Brooktrout software has been uninstalled,
restart the Brooktrout setup again.