
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual The GFI FAXmaker API's 153
The GFI FAXmaker API's
Introduction to the GFI FAXmaker API's
GFI FAXmaker allows you to submit faxes automatically to the queue
from your application via these methods:
1. The Netprintqueue2FAX feature
2. The Text API
The Netprintqueue2FAX feature allows you to embed the fax number
in the document to fax. This way, you can print to fax from almost any
application, from anywhere in the network, without having to enter the
fax number separately in the GFI FAXmaker fax form or Outlook.
This feature is especially handy for accounting applications – simply
by embedding the fax number in the document, for example an
invoice, a fax can be sent. No application integration or development
is required. For more information on this API, please see the
NetPrintQueue2FAX chapter.
GFI FAXmaker Text API
The Text API allows you to send out text files automatically by
submitting a text file with fax options into a directory.
Text API
Before you start using the Text API, you must first configure the Text
API in the FAX Server Configuration. To do this;
1. Go to the GFI FAXmaker Configuration > Advanced > Text API
node, right-click and select properties. This brings up the Text API
properties dialog.