104 • Configuring Fax server options GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
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Installing the OCR module
After you have purchased and downloaded the OCR module:
1. Run Setup.exe from the OCR directory of your CD-ROM or from
the directory you unzipped the downloaded file(s) to. You will be
asked to close all programs. Click Next. The module will now be
installed automatically.
2. You can now configure OCR from the Advanced > OCR node in the
FAXmaker configuration.
Screenshot 104 - OCR properties
The following OCR options are available:
Append OCR output text below fax report: This option inserts the
text of the fax in the body after the fax report: This allows you to easily
search for faxes using your e-mail client’s search function.
Attach OCR output text file with fax report: This option allows you
to specify whether the OCR output must be attached to the incoming
Maximum pages to convert: The number of pages that GFI
FAXmaker should convert to text.
Preferred language: If you specify auto then the OCR engine will not
assume any particular language. Specifying a default language will
improve the accuracy on the language specified.