
GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual The GFI FAXmaker API's 155
4. Save the text file in the directory. Make sure the file is saved with
the extension .txt.
5. The fax server will now start processing the file, and rename it with
the extension .tmp.
6. If the fax is transmitted successfully, the extension of the fax file
name will be changed to *.ok. If the fax has failed, the extension will
be changed to *.err. The *.OK and *.ERR files may be viewed using a
normal text editor. If you specify the sender of the fax (see below), a
transmission report will also be sent to the user.
NOTE: The extensions *.OK and *.ERR are not used if you specify the
sender of the message as outlined in the ‘To specify the sender of the
message’ section further on in the manual.
The Text API Coverpage
Text files are formatted using an HTML file as a template. This way
you can add your company logo and address details etc. to the text
file. By default, the text template uses the default global cover page,
which is set up in the fax server configuration, coverpage tab.
However, you can change the cover page you wish to use by
specifying a different cover page file, as shown below in the fax
Fax options
When sending a fax using Text API you can enter send options such
as high or normal resolution and schedule the faxing time. These
options should be entered in the second line of the text file preceded
by a double colon ::. (The recipients of the fax will not be able to see
these specifications in the received text). The following options can be
To specify a cover page
::C=cover page name or ::Coverpage= cover page name
For example: ::C=cover1
‘Cover page name’ stands for the name of your cover page. If you do
not want to send a cover page, but by default a cover page is added,
you can override this option temporarily by specifying ‘none’ instead of
a cover page name. This will cause GFI FAXmaker not to add a cover
, Remember that the cover page must be stored and configured on
the server first.
To specify a front cover page
::F=front cover page name or ::frontcover=cover page name
For example: ::F=frontcoverpage2
‘front cover page name’ stands for the name of the front cover page.
, Remember that the cover page must be stored and configured on
the server first.
To specify a fax header
::fh=header or :: faxheader=header