GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Introduction • 195
Screenshot 185 - The GFI ReportCenter management console
The GFI ReportCenter management console is split into two panes,
the navigation panel to the left of the screen, and the report-viewing
pane to the right.
The navigation panel consists of the Product Selection list, from
where you can select the GFI product ReportPack you want to use,
and various panels, as outlined below, through which you can access
all the features of GFI ReportCenter.
• Click on the
Default Reports panel button to access the
default list of reports that can be generated for the selected
product. For more information on default reports refer to the
‘GFI FAXmaker 12 default reports’ section in this manual.
• Click on the
Favorite Report panel button to access your
favorite/most used reports. For more information on how to
add reports to this list refer to the ‘Adding default reports to the
list of favorite reports’ and ‘Adding custom reports to the list of
favorite reports’ sections in this manual.
• Click on the
Custom Reports panel button to access the
list of customized reports you created for the selected product.
For more information on how to create custom reports refer to
the ‘Custom reports’ chapter in this manual.
• Click on the
Scheduled Reports panel button to access
the list of scheduled reports you created. For more information
on how to create scheduled reports refer to the ‘Scheduling
reports’ chapter in this manual.
• Click on the
Options panel button to access the general
configuration settings for the GFI product ReportPack selected
in the Product Selection list.